The Management Committee is responsible for the management and maintenance of the village hall, recreation ground, pavilion and car park. The village hall was registered as a charity on 27th of September 1978 (Number: 235098). The management committee comprises a chairman, treasurer and a group of trustees who are the nominated representatives of the main user groups of the hall. An AGM is held in April each year to approve the annual accounts and nominate committee members. The annual accounts are available on the Charity Commissions website.

A full list of trustees is available on the Charity Commissions Website. However, the key officers are as follows:

Chairman: Cameron Wallis
Deputy Chairman: Andrew Savidge
Secretary: Liz Burton
Treasurer: Ann Savidge
Letting Secretary: Peter Burton

The committee meets on a monthly basis in the Renshaw Room at 7:30pm and the public are invited to attend.


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